Welcome to my site!

Finally! After much fits and false starts, this website is up and running. My apologies to the

thousands of you who have bought my books and wanted to search my website only to see



As you must have noticed by now, it doesn’t look like this anymore. It has become a real

functioning website. Tragically, the publishing consultant I had hired to get it up and running

had been working on it off and on for over a year and a half, and was close to finishing when he

suddenly died last December 1st. Eerily, he had sent out an email the day he died stating

that he hadn’t been feeling well and that he was planning to take the whole month

of December off. Maybe if he’d taken November off instead, he would still be with us, but that’s

just speculation. At any rate, that put me back at square one, and left me with the dilemma of

either learning web design myself or finding a new web designer. I spent some time trying to

learn web design, read blogs, and watch YouTube videos, but quickly came to the

conclusion that it was going to be a lot more time-consuming than I thought, so I gave up on

that idea. While trying to settle on another web designer, I found out by chance that someone I

already knew was capable of doing it for me, and he quickly took over the project and got this

website up and running and here we are today. My thanks to you, Jeremiah (who is not a

bullfrog and doesn’t help anyone drink their wine, by the way).



The Kid’s Word Cookbook series