The Kid’s Word Cookbook series

The Kid’s Word Cookbook series got its start on a cruise ship in late 2018. While lounging

around on the deck, ideas started popping into my head and by the end of the week-long cruise

I had enough material for most of the first two books. The ideas kept coming over the next

several months and before long I had several more books’ worth of material. I then turned to

my daughter, Rivka, to do the illustrations, since she is the artist in the family and has sold

several of her paintings. By early 2020, she had enough illustrations done to complete at least

one book, so at that point I hired a publishing consultant to help with formatting and

marketing. He was going to get the first 3 books out and design my website. This was right at

the beginning of the pandemic, so Rivka had a lot of free time to work on the illustrations.

(Normally, she would be very busy at her full-time job, and also with her band, “Spirit of the

Beehive” going on cross-country tours several times a year.) By September of 2020 the first

book was out and the following July the second book came out. Progress in the book series

started to slow down, as Covid restrictions let up, and Rivka started going on tour again and

working full-time. Everything then came to a grinding halt when my publishing consultant

suddenly died with one month left in the year. He never got to finish the website or get the

eBook versions out. He was also going to redo the first book and get a hardcover version for the

second book. And of course, we never got to the third book at all. So here we are. As you can

see, the website is finally up and running, and I’m in the process of finding another book

designer. The third book is almost done and my goal is to get it out before the end of the year.

Thanks again to the thousands of you who bought the first two books and have been patiently

waiting for the next one. I promise to get it out soon, as well as the rest of the series at a much

faster pace. Thanks for sticking with me.


Book 3 is out!


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